departmentAssessor's Office

Assessor's Office

William R. Beckmann, Town Assessor

74 E. Main Street
Stony Point, NY 10980
Phone (845) 786-2716 ext. 117


Matthew LeMoine, Real Property Valuation Assistant

Phone (845) 786-2716 ext. 116 



Lorraine Sofia -


Hours: Monday - Friday from 8am - 4pm


The Town Assessor establishes a value on real property so that school, county, town, and special district taxes can be apportioned among the property owners. The assessor’s office reviews hundreds of recent sales every year to determine the market values of different styles and sizes of homes in various sections of the town. Sales of vacant land and commercial property are also analyzed. The goal of the office is to provide fair and equitable valuations to all properties for tax purposes. The Assessor assigns a dollar value for each property, whether vacant, improved, residential or commercial within the town. This assessed value is then used in the calculation of town, county and school taxes.

To view the Final 2024 Assessment Roll, click here.
(Note: For best viewing experience please use Microsoft Edge or Firefox Browser. Google Chrome is not advisable.)
The assessor administers real estate property tax exemptions authorized under state and local law. These include partial exemption for veterans, elderly and physically disabled people. In addition, there is a basic School Tax Relief (STAR), enhanced (STAR) for senior citizens who qualify, agricultural, solar and clerical and business incentive exemptions, partial or full exemptions for certain parcels owned by nonprofit organizations, which qualify by reasons of religious, charitable, educational, or cemetery use, are also granted. In all other cases, applications for these exemptions must be filed by March 1.

Other related duties of the Assessor include:

  • Providing and compiling all applications for various NYS exemptions for real property
  • Insuring that the proper yearly Equalization Rate issued to the town for county, school, and state aid apportionment purposes by New York State is based on reasonable sales and appraisals and if challenged, provide the necessary basis on which to have the rate recalculated.
  • Providing general assessment information to the Town Board and citizens, especially concerning yearly changes in the law or rules and procedures
  • Assisting in the defense and litigation of all tax challenges, including the Grievance procedure, Small Claims Assessment Review and Tax Certiorari cases
  • Providing and updating tax maps and property records, whether computerized or hard copied
The tentative assessment roll is available at the assessor’s office on May 1, and notices of any changes in assessment are mailed to property owners at that time. Any person may examine his or her own assessment or that of any other parcel in the town. Property owners who feel that their assessment is inequitable must file a protest between May 1 and Grievance Day, which by state law, is the fourth Tuesday in May. The final assessment roll is filed on July 1 and it is on the value in this roll that taxes for the following year are levied.
Forms and more information -
STAR (School Tax Relief) Program -
Rockland County GIS Portal- Click Here
Click here for information about Property Tax Exemptions



Tax Assessment Calendar

July 1 (Prior Year) - Valuation Day - Properties are valued according to the state or "status" of the property as of this date
March 1- Taxable Status Day - Properties are valued according to the state or "status" of the property as of this date
May 1 - Tentative Roll Filed - A tentative listing of the new roll's assessments are compiled and published
4th Tuesday in May - Grievance Day - Any party wishing to contest the tentative assessment may appear before the Board of Assessment Review on this date.
July 1 (Current Year) - Final Roll Published - All calculated property assessments are used for the upcoming school,town and country tax bills

FYI: Please be advised that we are still waiting for the final removals of STAR exemption from the State of New York.  Seeing it on the tentative roll does not mean it will appear on the Final Roll.


Grievances can be filed between May 1, 2024 and May 28, 2024.  Click below for downloadable grievance package.


The Board of Assessment Review Consists of:

  • Lorraine Sofia (Secretary to the BAR)
  • Thomas Dunn (BAR Member)
  • Gurran Kane (BAR Member)
  • Larry Brissing (BAR Member)







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